Luke 2:19: "But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart."
As I sit here pondering what to write for my first official blog post of my new blogsite, I am reminded of one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I can't tell you when this verse first jumped out at me; I'm sure I was a very young mom, trying to keep the house running smoothly, homeschooling a couple little ones, making sure my police officer husband was fed and out the door for another shift, while still trying to maintain (and hopefully, grow!) my relationship with God by trying to read His Word as much as possible amidst this wonderful melee :)
A daunting task, is it not?
I do remember, however, thinking how wonderful that phrase was, the first time I saw it: pondered them in her heart --and what a privilege Mary had to be able to ponder things in her heart about her son and her Savior. And then it hit me --I can do this very same thing! I can ponder things in my heart as well; things about my Three Lovelies and their growing up times, things about my marriage with The Bud and how to do my part to keep it fresh and alive, and ponder about how amazing my God is and how much He loves me.
Ponder: to weigh mentally; think deeply about; consider carefully (Webster's New World Dictionary, 2nd College Edition, 1986)
When Mary pondered things in her heart, these were no fleeting thoughts. She took in the events unfolding around her and turned them over in her mind, thinking deeply about them; their immediate meaning, their future implications, their effect on herself as well as others. Pondering takes time.
So then, to that end, this blogsite will (hopefully) cause you to ponder some things for yourself. Life stories, opinions on current events, encouraging thoughts from the Word; all of these will come across the page at one time or another.
Feel free to share your own "ponderations and musings" to keep things rolling....
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