Okay, so now that I am a post-graduation parent of all three Lovelies, there are a few things I’d like to get off my chest. A few choice words I’ve been wanting to say for quite some time:
Me and her
Him and you
Them and us
You and me are going
So what?
You’re never gonna use this
Bet you thought it was going to be more profound, huh? Nope, not really. I was talking to a parent at a graduation reception the other night and found myself correcting my grammar mid-sentence, whereupon I stopped myself again and jokingly pronounced that I no longer HAD to do that, thanks be to God J
I have since had time to reflect on that incident; yes, I do that kind of thing for some reason --I’m sure God has something to do with it; He reminds me of little things like that to teach me something just a little more deep. I’ve come to the conclusion that even though I no longer have to watch what I say so that my children mimic correct grammar, I still should speak correctly because it is the right thing to do. I’ve always taught my kids that the definition of integrity is: doing what is right, even when no one is watching.
Our Lovely #1 was recently asked to be a bridesmaid in her friend’s wedding (so exciting!). In order for all of them to get to know each other, a suggestion was made to go see a movie together, etc. Now, Lovely #1 is a movie freak --she loves them all; old, new, epic, poorly made, you name it, whatever. However, this particular movie had some questionable content, and she made the decision to tell the bride-to-be that she really did not want to see the movie, gave her reasons in her kind way, and let the chips fall where they might. Thankfully, the b-t-b felt kind of the same way, so they all changed plans.
She is over 21, has a job, money, can basically do whatever she wants without mom and dad checking up on her, or little sisters around constantly to be an example to. Yet, she still chose the good thing. I can’t tell you how cool it felt when I heard about that. It was like an “A” on my own report card J
So, to all you moms out there still in the trenches of raising your family: take heart! Don’t lose sight of the big picture when you are tired of saying the right things, doing the right things, speaking correctly, and even holding your tongue. It will pay off in the end:
“Even a child is known by his doing, whether his conduct is pure and right” --Prov. 20:11
…oh, and sorry, Sister Bernadine Marie, my 5th grade math teacher, but I never did stop saying “gozinta”….you know, like “4 gozinta 8 two times”….there are just some things you're not gonna change J
It is lovely when your kids grow up and have their own good values and ideas.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I am going to have to add gozinta to our vocabulary list:)
haha --yup, i've never forgotten that phrase: the sister got very frustrated with us all one day and wrote it on the chalkboard (in that beautiful Catholic nun cursive writing!)and promptly told us "zere iz no such word as gozinta!"