Thursday, June 11, 2015


Have you ever pondered about the omnipresence of God?  I mean, thinking, like, what does it actually mean?  God is the God of the past, present and future --yeah, I get that.  But, I think it's actually a little bit cooler than that.

For the past two years, I've had to learn how to communicate through time zones.  Now, maybe some of you have had to do this for a while, but I never have.  My whole life had always been East Coast of the Good Ol' US of A.  Well, except for that summer when I was around 11 and had a pen-pal in Washington State; we wrote a few times, wondered about each others lives, pledged our undying friendship...and then started back to school in the fall and forgot all about each other ;)

But, over the last two years, two Lovelies moved to the Midwest, crossing into another time zone. Mom and Dad followed later, and one Lovely stayed back on the East Coast.

2 times zones + 4 females + 1 dad = LOTS of communication via phone, text, Skype, Fb, etc

The nice thing is that the time difference was only one hour  --nothing TOO much to be concerned about except when coordinating a Skype call:

texting to coordinate:
-"6pm MY time tomorrow night, which is 7pm YOUR time?"

-Ka-beeba-boop.....Ka-beeba-boop....(that's the Skype ring, in case you didn't know)
-no answer --texting to follow:

-"oops, sorry, i got mixed up and am not home right now....can we try tomorrow?"
-"same time?"
-"which time?"

yeah, that.  And that would have been any of the five of any given time.....each and every time.

And now, we've added one more time zone to our little party.  Lovely #1 is currently serving as a missionary in Scotland, which is a SIX hour time difference from us here in Minnesota (six hours ahead of us), which also makes it a five hour time difference with the East Coast.

I was making myself some tea today and got to thinking about all the texting that has been going on between my Three Lovelies, The Bud, and myself over the last few days, evenings, and nights, since we've begun this new way of life with three time zones...then, my thoughts turned to God and where He was fitting in, in all these times, and it hit me  --the same God who was with me at that very moment of 12 noon at the stove while I was making tea, is the same God who was with Lovelies 2 & 3 at their jobs at that exact same moment, even though it was 1pm there, and He is the self-same God who was with Lovely #1 at her 6pm dinner table at the exact same moment in time.  Same moment in time, same God, same present tense everywhere.  Even though 1pm and 6pm were still to come at my house, and therefore was my future, it was also the present.

And God was there.
In each place.
Exactly at the same time


He truly is the great I Am.

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