Friday, July 29, 2011

Unattractive and Obsolete?

The other day, The Bud and I were taking a ride in his old truck.  It’s a 1990 Ford F15 pick-up --with no A/C.  And it was one of those muggy, hot, late-July days here in the Mid-Atlantic region --very soupy, to say the least!  But the greatest thing about that truck is something we don’t even think about anymore with newer vehicles --air vents!  You know, those little triangles at the front of the door windows.  The kind you have to manually open and adjust?  They were a godsend that day!  We opened those babies up and pointed the air flow right into our faces for the entire ride --how wonderful!

But, somewhere along the way, someone decided that air vents in windows were either unattractive or obsolete --or both.  Look around at any new vehicle today --not one with a window vent.  I personally think these added character, as well as a tangible benefit to vehicles, but I don’t work for a major automobile think-tank.

Ever feel like this looks?

Ever feel unattractive or obsolete?  Right now in my life, I could feel that way; I just finished 18 years of homeschooling all my children, my youngest just turned 18 which means all my Lovelies are now young adults, and I am waiting for the “next season” to start.  I say “waiting” because I’m no longer homeschooling, but not yet working that illusive full-time job --I’ve put in lots of applications, had some interest, but nothing solid…..

I could begin second-guessing myself: Am I too old?  Do I not have enough skills to make it in the “real” world?  Did I not use the right lingo in the interview?

Can I get an amen?  I see that hand :)

BUT, then I am reminded of who I am in Christ.  I live in the blessing of Abraham, according to God.  He is faithful and true to His promise and will not allow me to stumble.  His banner over me is love.  His will for me is good.  THIS is how God sees me. 

Ah…..that feels better :)

So, take heart, dear one!  His plan for you is sure.  You are neither unattractive, nor obsolete to Him.  “He has made everything beautiful in its time”  (Eccl. 3:11a)  He will continue to work out His will in your life no matter what life throws at you or what you feel like --because “even when we are faithless, He remains faithful, because He cannot deny Himself.” (II Tim. 2:13)

Unattractive or obsolete?  Pish-posh!  Open that air vent, let that wind blow through your hair, and enjoy your day!

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